
PMqn: video watch

"...You're talking way too much"

::Outta my head is nothing short of pure grade A genius::

Ashlee has always been the favorite of the Simpson klan here at PMqn. She young, hip trendy and crosses barriers.
"What makes her so different", you might ask. "everyone cross music barriers these days." My answer is NO! alot of people make music and has an audience. She's the loud answer to a silent question; Ashlee screams longevity.

She's the one girl in young Hollywood making good with her talent who we've been able to grow with; re-inventing hereself a few times. From her reality show pieces of me where she build her band, had fights with family, tried [and successfully] break away from the JESSICA SIMPSON umbrella, && she has NOT I REPEAT NOT got caught up in all the bull from drugs to drinking sex and tabloid like many of her young female counterparts have. She's grown so much and she's still evolving. This is not the last hit record for Ashlee, not by a long shot.


This video is the truth. Something that longtime fans have been waiting for and something that folks who were not hip to Ms. Simpson can get into. && having Timberland produce this track didn't hurt any either.

Kudos to the #1 Simpson
From the Editors desk

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