
take a bow | last time | take you down [chicago]

These three are consistantly making major moves.
turning out good music time after time.
truthfully the ri ri song was not one of my favorites.
it was one that had to grow on me. Seeing the video help move that process along. I am even more in love with Rihanna than i was back in the pon de replay days. Of course Leon was the one who ridiculed me about not knowing that she had that cluster of stars on the back of her neck, but so what [lol]. Her entire look is priceless.

Trey, you did it with this one.
i'd been hearing this song on the radio for a few weeks now. Mistakenly assuming this was some new guy in the music game,wrong. Truthfully again, i have never been a big Trey Songz fan. Not that he's not good at what he does, just that i never really took to him like i did to other artist. Fast foward a few years [today] i have been really feeling Trey. A force to be reckoned with i believe. This video is nice, not the boring ish that some ppl [who shall remain nameless] have been giving in the video department. My only issue with Trey now is how child like his appearace is. Guess that's just something i'm going to have to deal with, being a Trey fan now huh?

Not too much i can say about this one here.
He has always been talented to me, or at least marketable. I remember my first time ever seeing Chris's name was back in the summer of 2005. "He's the next Usher" is what alot of people were saying. I'd like to respectfully disagree and follow up with "He's not the next Usher, but the first Chris Brown" [no homo]. I dont like everything that he makes but he's doing a darn good job at doing his job, which is something we all can resepect. Add to that i dont really see what serious competition he has at this time. Do You?

[lol, get into the screams from the girl holding the camera]

From the Editors desk.
.rhayne a. coleman

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